Apr 1, 2007

So, we are here practicing for our Easter Illustrated Sermon... We have just a couple of practices left. We use to practice for months, and it got real old. Now we slam it into less than two weeks. A little more intense, but it doesn't drag on and on. Pastor Ed always has incredible Illustrated Sermons. They are not entertainment for the church, but a tool to reach the lost!
We have a cross on the platform that is about 20 feet tall. We have a ladder up to the cross piece, and a pile of mattresses below. We are going to do a human video to "Dive" from Steven Curtis Chapman, and a parade of brave souls will go up the ladder, across the cross piece and then dive about 15 feet. It's going to be pretty insane. After Easter, you can view the video at our media site at www.wasillaag.net.
And if you live in the area... be sure and stop by on Friday or Sunday.

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