May 20, 2012


We are in Oregon this week, so I thought I'd trying doing a post from my phone with Blogger's mobile app.

I did my last two years of high school here in Oregon at Santiam High School. We had two vending machines by the gym. One was a soda machine with Mt. Dew in five of the seven selections.

The other machine was candy and had these Tom's Peanut Rolls in them. I lived on those and Mt. Dews those two years.

Maybe that's why I'm morbidly obeses today.

1 comment:

TB Botts said...

HI Todd- I hope you enjoy your time in Oregon. I wouldn't mind going back for a visit some time. Several years ago Jan and I went down highway 101. It was so much fun and beautiful too. Unfortunately the car rental company gave us a car with California plates so we weren't always greeted so friendly, but otherwise it was great. By the way, every time I read your suggestion about the pebbles and shouting about the mountain falling I crack up. That was great! Have fun.