This morning we had the first of many Men's Breakfasts. The food was incredible!! You never know what you are going to get with church food, but this was a good one. Tomorrow we have One Lord Sunday, where over 20 churches are coming together for a Valley Wide Joint Service. Then that evening, we take off for our Pastoral Summit.
Fun stuff...
Apr 28, 2007
Apr 25, 2007
On Saturday, Christy and I swung by the Wal-Mart on A Street in Anchorage. We normally don't shop there, just because it seems so run down and dirty. As we were checking out, I heard a familiar voice, and there in front of me was Governor Palin. When Christy and I first started dating, she was a nanny for the Palin's. This is when Sarah had just become mayor of Wasilla. Christy was with them for about a year, and I spent a lot of time over there. Christy had her own seperate living space, so I didn't spend a lot of time around the family, but I still got to know them.
We waited for her to check out, and then walked out of the store with her, chatting as we went. She was curious to know how we were doing, and how the church was doing. We expressed our surprise in running into the Governor in Wal-Mart of all places. She was running to a couple of speeches, and need to pick up some make up. Once we were outside, we wished each other well, and went our ways.
I remember my first reaction was think about how cool it was to run into the governor in Wal-Mart. She was by herself, with no security detail, or assistants. Then I remember thinking how it was even cooler that I knew the governor of the greatest state in American personally, and that she knew us, and would take the time to ask how we were doing.
It was great to run into Sarah, but it got me thinking...
It's a big deal to meet someone important. When Christy was in high school, they went to Disney Land and saw the Olson Twins on the Mono-Rail. I've met the winner of Survivor Guatemala, Danni, and got a picture with her. One time at Phoenix First, there was a chance that President Bush might visit to discuss his Faith Based Initiatives, and the church was all a twitter. When I lived in Hoonah, large yachts would lay over there in the summer, waiting for their permits to go into Glacier Bay, and there was usually a celebrity on board.
We make a big deal out the rich and famous. But think about this: As believers, we have instant, continuous access the the most famous celebrity of all. We have a direct line to the God of the universe. We have a audience with the Lord of lords and the King of kings. Whether its in our prayer closets, or as we work, or in church; we have God's ear, and His heart is turned towards us. Forget about meeting an elected official, or a TV star, or a sports hero... Through the blood of Jesus, we can boldly approach the throne of grace!! Once there was not a way, but through His death on the cross, Jesus has made the way!
But do we fully appreciate this? Do we walk with God throughout the day, every day; or do we just visit Him once a week? This week is District Council, and I spent yesterday at Muldoon Assembly. Their wireless system was secure, so I couldn't log on get my emails. I felt so disconnected and out of touch. How often do I "log on" with God through out the day?
Perry Noble mentioned once that Leadership is merely listening to God. As Moses lead Israel, his leadership method was to take every decision and problem to God. Look through Exodus at how many times it says "and Lord said to Moses."
Well, I'm not trying to get too deep or spiritual, but it's pretty amazing that we are children of God, and we have the Father's attention...
We waited for her to check out, and then walked out of the store with her, chatting as we went. She was curious to know how we were doing, and how the church was doing. We expressed our surprise in running into the Governor in Wal-Mart of all places. She was running to a couple of speeches, and need to pick up some make up. Once we were outside, we wished each other well, and went our ways.
I remember my first reaction was think about how cool it was to run into the governor in Wal-Mart. She was by herself, with no security detail, or assistants. Then I remember thinking how it was even cooler that I knew the governor of the greatest state in American personally, and that she knew us, and would take the time to ask how we were doing.
It was great to run into Sarah, but it got me thinking...
It's a big deal to meet someone important. When Christy was in high school, they went to Disney Land and saw the Olson Twins on the Mono-Rail. I've met the winner of Survivor Guatemala, Danni, and got a picture with her. One time at Phoenix First, there was a chance that President Bush might visit to discuss his Faith Based Initiatives, and the church was all a twitter. When I lived in Hoonah, large yachts would lay over there in the summer, waiting for their permits to go into Glacier Bay, and there was usually a celebrity on board.
We make a big deal out the rich and famous. But think about this: As believers, we have instant, continuous access the the most famous celebrity of all. We have a direct line to the God of the universe. We have a audience with the Lord of lords and the King of kings. Whether its in our prayer closets, or as we work, or in church; we have God's ear, and His heart is turned towards us. Forget about meeting an elected official, or a TV star, or a sports hero... Through the blood of Jesus, we can boldly approach the throne of grace!! Once there was not a way, but through His death on the cross, Jesus has made the way!
But do we fully appreciate this? Do we walk with God throughout the day, every day; or do we just visit Him once a week? This week is District Council, and I spent yesterday at Muldoon Assembly. Their wireless system was secure, so I couldn't log on get my emails. I felt so disconnected and out of touch. How often do I "log on" with God through out the day?
Perry Noble mentioned once that Leadership is merely listening to God. As Moses lead Israel, his leadership method was to take every decision and problem to God. Look through Exodus at how many times it says "and Lord said to Moses."
Well, I'm not trying to get too deep or spiritual, but it's pretty amazing that we are children of God, and we have the Father's attention...
Apr 23, 2007
Almost died today...
I've got another thought I want to blog on, but will save that for later. For now, I wanted to share a near death experience... Not really near death, but still pretty cool.
So Matt and I are in his truck (thank God not mine), and we are coming through Wasilla on the Parks Highway. Going by Carrs, this chick in a Chevy pulls completely out in front of us. Matt panics, but I keep my head and my cool and calmy told him how to aviod t-boning her. Due to my sage advice, calamity was avoided, and his truck barely nicked hers, just rubbing the mud off of his bumper. It could've been a disastrous accident.
So Matt and I are in his truck (thank God not mine), and we are coming through Wasilla on the Parks Highway. Going by Carrs, this chick in a Chevy pulls completely out in front of us. Matt panics, but I keep my head and my cool and calmy told him how to aviod t-boning her. Due to my sage advice, calamity was avoided, and his truck barely nicked hers, just rubbing the mud off of his bumper. It could've been a disastrous accident.
Apr 21, 2007
Yeah, new laptop...
I'm typing this from my new Toshiba Laptop. We hadn't planned on buying one, but the screen on my old on completely died. I've had it for over three years, and had it set up exactly like I wanted. It sucked to lose it, and we hated to have to spend the money on a new one. But, we did get a nice one. Windows Vista Ultimate, 2 Gig of ram, 280 gig hard drive, Core 2 Duo. My wife is so awesome... We've been saving hard for a house, and then we have to spend some of it on this. She was very understanding!
Apr 20, 2007
Luke 9.28-36
I realize I've been a little all over the map on topics covered in this blog. I'm just amazed that I'm doing it at all... Self-discipline is not my strong suit...
I was just reading about the transfiguration in Luke 9 and had some thoughts. Verse 32 says that Peter and his companions were very sleepy. I ask myself, how often have I been in the midst of a divine, supernatural moment and miss it because I'm not paying attention?
Verse 33 says that it was as Moses and Elijah were leaving that Peter spoke up and offered to make 3 shelters. It would be easy to guess that he didn't want this incredible thing to end. He wanted to "camp" in this moment. How often have I been tempted to park at a particular spot because it was a great place to be? But, obviously, the plan was to move forward. There was a work to be done. The next day, Jesus brought freedom to a little boy who was tormented. If he'd been on the mountain still, roasting marshmallows and singing Kumbaya, this chance to show the Father's love would have been missed. There are times on the mountain in the glory, and there's time to take that to the people, so they may know the Father.
I was just reading about the transfiguration in Luke 9 and had some thoughts. Verse 32 says that Peter and his companions were very sleepy. I ask myself, how often have I been in the midst of a divine, supernatural moment and miss it because I'm not paying attention?
Verse 33 says that it was as Moses and Elijah were leaving that Peter spoke up and offered to make 3 shelters. It would be easy to guess that he didn't want this incredible thing to end. He wanted to "camp" in this moment. How often have I been tempted to park at a particular spot because it was a great place to be? But, obviously, the plan was to move forward. There was a work to be done. The next day, Jesus brought freedom to a little boy who was tormented. If he'd been on the mountain still, roasting marshmallows and singing Kumbaya, this chance to show the Father's love would have been missed. There are times on the mountain in the glory, and there's time to take that to the people, so they may know the Father.
Apr 13, 2007
Holy Hot Cakes!!
I'm am watching the videos from the Unleash Conference from Newspring Church. It is messing me up!
Watch it!!
Watch it!!
Apr 12, 2007
Cache On!!
Just got back from hitting a quick cache. It was the second version of one that disappeared right after we found it. Hopefully we are not bad luck, and this cache disappear also.
The thing I love about geocaching is that it gets you out and about. We would've just set on the couch all night watching Survivor, CSI, and Scrubs, but instead we got off of our duffs and enjoyed the great state we live in.
The thing I love about geocaching is that it gets you out and about. We would've just set on the couch all night watching Survivor, CSI, and Scrubs, but instead we got off of our duffs and enjoyed the great state we live in.
A great story from Perry Noble...
I've lately become a huge fan of Newspring Church, Perry Noble, and Tony Morgan. Perry Noble had an incredible story from one of the ladies in his church on his blog recently. It's amazing what one act of love can produce! Click here to read it...
Apr 11, 2007
Christy and I went to STOMP last night at the PAC. It was incredible!! The music was great, the presentation was great, the way they so many different sounds and tones out of the different items was pure genius! It's not cheap, but if you ever get a chance, go to it!
Google Maps
A lady in our church showed me this... Go to Google Maps ( and select Chicago as your starting point. Then ask for directions to there from London. Look at step number 20.
Apr 9, 2007
My passion
In an attempt to be a better blogger, I've been reading some how to's. The biggest suggestion was to blog about what you are passionate about. The ironic thing is that I'm pretty sure that no one is even reading these. I'm only doing these because I hope some day to author a book, and I believe blogging will help me get practice in organizing my thoughts.
So, my passions... #1 is my relationship with God. I have a theory. We've all read the 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman. One of the way some people primarily show and express love is through acts of service. That is my love language, and how I show my love to God. It's not working to saved, but working because I'm saved.
#2 is my wife. She's an incredible woman, who loves me very much. I'm not sure why... She works her butt off every day so that I can pursue my third passion
#3 Being in the ministry. It's what I'm called to do, it's who I am.
#4 Geocaching. If you've done it, you understand.
#5 Family. I'm surrounded by incredible family members.
#6 Alaska. If you've been here, you understand.
So, my passions... #1 is my relationship with God. I have a theory. We've all read the 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman. One of the way some people primarily show and express love is through acts of service. That is my love language, and how I show my love to God. It's not working to saved, but working because I'm saved.
#2 is my wife. She's an incredible woman, who loves me very much. I'm not sure why... She works her butt off every day so that I can pursue my third passion
#3 Being in the ministry. It's what I'm called to do, it's who I am.
#4 Geocaching. If you've done it, you understand.
#5 Family. I'm surrounded by incredible family members.
#6 Alaska. If you've been here, you understand.
Apr 7, 2007
Apr 5, 2007
Am I Newsworthy?
I was just reading in Romans, Chapter 1, verse 8, where Paul is saying that he thanks God for these believers in Rome because "your faith is being reported all over the world. (NIV)"
Whatever it was that this church, this group of believers was doing was being reported and spoken about throughout the whole world! Was is their love for each other, or miracles, or their stand for righteousness in corrupt world? Was it healings, demonstrations of the Spirit's power or good works? It had to be something real and tangible, something that people could see.
In our world today, if a Hollywood star or politician sneezes it makes the headlines at We have an overwhelming amount of real time news at our command. Now compare that to the world Paul lived in, where a simple journey could take days, weeks, months. And yet, in that "primitive" society, the church was being spoken about around the world.
This forces me to look at two questions:
1. Is there anything in my life of faith that can be seen? Is there any tangible, quantifiable results of the hope I profess?
2. Are those results newsworthy? Jesus "made headlines." In Acts 17.6, Paul & Silas' activities were known. Is there anything in my life, am I doing anything with this salvation I have received that is worth reporting?
2 Corinthians 6.1 tells us not to receive God's grace in vain. The word vain there means empty. Is there anything to my life, or is just empty?
God, I desire to live a life that will make headlines "for your name's sake. (Rom 1.5)"
Whatever it was that this church, this group of believers was doing was being reported and spoken about throughout the whole world! Was is their love for each other, or miracles, or their stand for righteousness in corrupt world? Was it healings, demonstrations of the Spirit's power or good works? It had to be something real and tangible, something that people could see.
In our world today, if a Hollywood star or politician sneezes it makes the headlines at We have an overwhelming amount of real time news at our command. Now compare that to the world Paul lived in, where a simple journey could take days, weeks, months. And yet, in that "primitive" society, the church was being spoken about around the world.
This forces me to look at two questions:
1. Is there anything in my life of faith that can be seen? Is there any tangible, quantifiable results of the hope I profess?
2. Are those results newsworthy? Jesus "made headlines." In Acts 17.6, Paul & Silas' activities were known. Is there anything in my life, am I doing anything with this salvation I have received that is worth reporting?
2 Corinthians 6.1 tells us not to receive God's grace in vain. The word vain there means empty. Is there anything to my life, or is just empty?
God, I desire to live a life that will make headlines "for your name's sake. (Rom 1.5)"
Apr 1, 2007
We have a cross on the platform that is about 20 feet tall. We have a ladder up to the cross piece, and a pile of mattresses below. We are going to do a human video to "Dive" from Steven Curtis Chapman, and a parade of brave souls will go up the ladder, across the cross piece and then dive about 15 feet. It's going to be pretty insane. After Easter, you can view the video at our media site at
And if you live in the area... be sure and stop by on Friday or Sunday.
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